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نام کتاب : This Is My Faith نویسنده : Al-fatlawi, Ali    جلد : 1  صفحه : 17

Symposium 2

Following a Religious Scholar (Taqlid)

Anwar: Salam ‘Alaykom, Akhi (brother) Hasan! Are we still going to carry out what we agreed on?

Hasan: ‘Alaykom As-Salam Wa Rahmatollah Wa Barakatoh! Yes, Inshallah.

Anwar: So, talk to me about following a religious scholar (Taqlid).

Hasan: Taqlid linguistically means to put a collar on one’s neck. But from a religious point of view, it means to practically following a religious scholar or clerk in religious matters. So, if you give practical effect to a Fatwa – formal religious opinion – issued by a Mujtahid

نام کتاب : This Is My Faith نویسنده : Al-fatlawi, Ali    جلد : 1  صفحه : 17
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