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نام کتاب : آیینه پژوهش نویسنده : دفتر تبلیغات اسلامی حوزه علمیه قم    جلد : 34  صفحه : 17

سید جمال الدین

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
About one hundred years ago, Sayyed Jamalod-deen Asad Abadi, wrote an essay titled "The use of the Newspaper" in which he pointed out the importance of the press to the moslems. He states nineteen benifits for reading the press and does his best may be can awake the sleeping world of Islam through the passage of the press. For the importance of this essay, and for being out of reach, is printed at the head of the essays, in this issue.

Principles of Syntax
Amir Solaimani Rahimi
In this essay, after stating: the finding; necessity; collection of principles of syntax and the relation between syntax and principles of syntax, the author introduces some rules and reasons of syntax.
The author proceeded to give a brief summary of the first auther and the first book was written in this field.
Finally, the author names Ibn Jenni with honour as the leading through his book "Al-Khasa-es".
The major content of this essay analyses the principles which came under the title of; the syntax proofs, they are the following: hearing, unanimity, analogy, association and the rest of the proofs.
Finally, the author introduces a brief summary regarding the spacial and temporal limitations in the grammatical reasonings which are very useful.

Reviewing the "Attadween fi Akhbar -e- Gazveen"
Mortaza zakayi savi
This article as revealed from the name; introduces one of the most completed and the best local and historical book of Iran. The aim of writing the book of "Attadween fi Akhbar -e- Gazveen was inditing a complete book about the history of Gazveen and itself contains the biography of the notables and the scholars of the town of Gazveen.
After a brief summary about the methodology of "Attadween", the author states it's references and sources, and finally states the Quranic, oral, moral and literary use of this book.
He also mentions some of the shortages of the book in the field of original correction and printing errors.

The first Encyclopedia of Shi-a's Jurisprudence
Sayyed Ali Husaini
In this article, the auther introduces and criticizes the book of "Al-Mowsoo-ah Al Fiqh-heyya Al-Moyassara" of which the first volume was written by the pen of Mr. Ansari.
This book, as expressed by the author, is the first encyclopedia in the relegious juriprudence of Shi-a and has the following distinctions: - independency in style and work, accuracy in arrangement and organizing the titles, and its comprehensiveness comparing to the other two encyclopedia; that means the relegious encyclopedia of Jamal Abdul Nassir and the Kuwaiti encyclopedia of Jurisprudance.
This article, practically, is a comparison between this encyclopedia and the other two mentioned above.

Miskal -e- safa An eternal opusculum in dialogue between relegions
Mohammad Taqi Sobhani
The book of Miskal -e- Safa, which is introduced in this essay, is one of the best books written in answering the skipticism of a christian priest named "Gozavieh". This book, after years of obsoleteness, was printed by one of the desendants of the author in 1373 (solar) together with the interpretation and introduction of Mr. Hamid Naji Isfahani.
Stating the importance and distinctions of the book, the author refers to the documents and interpretations of the book and finally briefly reviews the content of the book.

Criticizing the book of "The Geographic specialities of the Islamic Countries.
Gholam Riza Goli Zavara
This book, which is taught in the university of Payam Noor Field of Geography, has dealt with the boundary divisions existing in the world of Islam.
The editor of this article looks at the book through a complete criticizing eye and believes that this book is suffering disturbances and deviations. The editor explains in detail disturbances and contradictions concerning the regional situation of the word of Islam and has put numerous examples of these kind of mistakes infront of the reader's eyes.
The editor, also, criticizes the method of collection and source referring of the book.

Translation or Editing.
Mohammad Mohammad Rez‡i
In this article, the author proves that the book of Greece phelosophy through a different vision printed recently under the name of "Elahaye Hashemi H‡yeri", infact it is the translation of the known book of Mr. Yousuf Karam which has found its way to the scientific assemblies years ago under the name of "Tareekh Al-Falsafatol Younaneyyah".
The author proves his claim to the reader by offering various examples and comparing the two Arabic and Farsi originals.
The author has saved himself from introducing his translation (which was printed as an editted) by briefly introducing the Arabic text.

A criticism of two pages of a book.
SayyedHassan Fatemi
As realised from the name this article is a criticism of two pages of a book named "Tahrirol Makal Fi Kolleyyat Elmer-rejal written by Mr. Mahdi Hadawi.
The editor says that through his research about the companions of Hazrat sadiq (peace be upon him) has faced this and after reading an essay titled "Ashabes-Sadiq fi Rijal Ashaikh Al tooci, has noticed numerous misconceptions in two pages of the book.
The editor, then, lists these inconveniences and provides a brief index for the printing errors.
Descriptive Bibliography of Sayyed Hemyari and his poetry
Mohammad Seh-hati Sardoroodi
In this issue of magazine, in the bibliography section an index of the works of sayyed Hemyari, this shiite poet and the publicizer of Imamat and velayat (spritual leadership and guardianship), has been introduced.
This bibliography consists of two sections; the first one contains the biographies and the narrations of the sayyed. The second section contains the coppies of the complete poetry works of sayyed which in itself has several various divisions.

نام کتاب : آیینه پژوهش نویسنده : دفتر تبلیغات اسلامی حوزه علمیه قم    جلد : 34  صفحه : 17
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